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Teradata JDBC Driver

Version: - Created: 06 Sep 2022

The Teradata JDBC Driver is now available in Maven CentralThe Teradata JDBC Driver enables Java applications to connect to the Teradata Database.Check out the How-To for connecting Java apps to Vantage using JDBC.See the readme file in each download package for more details. Information about how to use the driver is available in the Teradata JDBC Driver Reference.For community support, please visit Teradata Community.The Teradata JDBC Driver is distributed as a platform-independent jar file. For downloading convenience, the platform-independent jar file and readme file are bundled together and provided in both zip format and tar format. The zip and tar files contain exactly the same set of files.Download either the zip file or the tar file, and unzip (or untar) the downloaded file into a directory of your choice, and then set your classpath to refer to the necessary jar file.

Teradata Vantage Express

Version: 17.20 - Created: 09 Aug 2022

You can now get a free hosted instance of Vantage for testing and development purposes at Download Teradata Vantage Express, a free, fully-functional Teradata Vantage database, that can be up and running on your system in minutes.  Vantage Express comes as a VM image. It can be installed on your local machine or in the cloud. In order to run this VM, you'll need to install VMware Workstation Player, VMware Fusion, VMware Server, VirtualBox, or UTM on your system. For more details, see our getting started guides. For feedback, discussion, and community support, please visit the Cloud Computing forum.

Vantage Analytics Library (VAL)

Version: - Created: 01 Aug 2022

Vantage Analytics Library Product Overview The Vantage Analytics Library (VAL) consists of a Java XSP (a SQL generator), 2 table operators (to support the KMeans and Decision Tree algorithms) and statistical test lookup tables that enable Data Scientists to analyze large datasets at scale. It operates entirely inside Vantage SQL Engine (SQLE) and no additional infrastructure is required to run. The Vantage Analytics Library behaves like a database version of an API and is compatible with Vantage SQLE 16.20 and 17.0 and 17.05. It is easy to install and requires only 40MB of space in the SQLE database for the functions. The Vantage Analytics Library provides data scientists with the following capabilities, directly in the Vantage SQLE: •    Descriptive Statistics           ○  Data Quality/Values           ○  Univariate Statistics           ○  Frequency           ○  Histogram           ○  RI Analysis (column overlap)           ○  Text Field Analysis •    Data Transformation           ○  Bin Code           ○  Formula Derivation           ○  One-Hot Encoding           ○  Null Value Replacement           ○  Recode/Rescale           ○  Sample **NEW**           ○  Sigmoid/Z-Score •    Hypothesis Tests           ○  Parametric Tests           ○  Binomial Tests           ○  Contingency Tests           ○  KS Tests           ○  Rank Tests •    Model Building & Scoring           ○  Matrix (ESSCP/Covariance/Correlation)           ○  Linear Regression           ○  Logistic Regression           ○  Factor Analysis           ○  K-Means           ○  Decision Tree           ○  Association Rules/Sequence Analysis Teradata Vantage Analytics Library software can be installed on any Vantage deployment platform, including: •    On-premises, including IntelliFlex, IntelliBase, 6xxx, and 2xxx series •    VMWare •    AWS •    Azure •    Google Cloud

Teradata Connector for Hadoop (TDCH) Command Line Edition

Version: 1.9.5 - Created: 30 Jun 2022

The Teradata Connector for Hadoop (TDCH) Command Line Edition provides bi-directional data movement between Teradata and Hadoop in a command line environment.For more information, please see the Teradata Connector for Hadoop product information article where you will also find the latest version of the TDCH Tutorial.Only the latest releases of TDCH listed below are supported, so please always upgrade to the latest versions listed below if you are encountering any issues.TDCH VersionHadoop DistributionHadoop VersionTeradata Database (SQLE) Version1.5.17Amazon EMR 5.xHadoop 2.x16.00 - EMR 6.12 and aboveHadoop 3.x16.00 - Data Platform 7.1.1 to 7.1.6Hadoop 3.x16.00 - Data Platform 7.1.7(Including SP1 and SP2)Cloudera Data Platform 7.1.8Hadoop 3.x16.00 - Data Platform 7.1.9(Including SP1)Hadoop 3.x16.00 - Cloud Dataproc 2.xHadoop 3.x16.00 - 20.00 Deprecated Hadoop DistributionsHadoop DistributionLast Supported TDCH VersionHadoop VersionTeradata Database (SQLE) VersionGoogle Cloud Dataproc 2.x16.00 - 20.00Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) 3.x1.6.9Hadoop 3.x16.00 - 20.00Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH) 6.xMapR 6.x1.7.9Hadoop 3.x16.00 - 20.00Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) 2.xMapR 5.x1.5.14Hadoop 2.x16.00 - 17.20Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH) 5.x1.5.14Hadoop 2.x16.00 - 17.20

Vantage Modules for Jupyter

Version: 03.05 - Created: 21 Jun 2022

Note: You can get the Jupyter Extensions bundled with Jupyterlab as a Docker image on Docker Hub. Note: If you are using the source extensions (not prebuilt) you must upgrade to node 20.Visit the landing page for more information including sample notebooks, video clips and more ... the community discussion at - Ecosystem Management Forum, topic: Jupyter.Vantage Modules for JupyterVantage Modules for Jupyter provide extensions to the JupyterLab platform to enhance the user experience connecting and executing SQL statements on Teradata Vantage. These extensions include the Teradata SQL Kernel, Navigator and Connection Manager.In addition, in the Docker image, we have bundled the Teradata driver for Python and teradataml library as well as the Teradata driver for R and tdplyr library. The teradataml and tdplyr libraries contain the analytic functions that interact with Vantage in the Python and R languages respectively.The SQL Kernel Provides:Connection management to add, remove, connect, and list connectionsQuery engine that uses embedded Teradata SQL driverSQL aware notebook with SQL content assist and syntax checkingResult set renderer that displays result data in easy to read, scrollable gridExecution history that stores execution metadata to recall SQL commands at a later timeVisualization using Vega library to display charts, graphs, plots, etc.Support for basic data load from a file Preference settings allow users to modify logging options for the SQL kernelMagic commands that provide additional custom kernel options to enhance Teradata user experienceThe Navigator Provides:The ability to explore the Advanced SQL Engine catalog, regardless of the language you are using in your notebook (SQL, Python, R).Hierarchical display of SQL object relational modelColumn metadata showing data type and indexesRow Count, Show DDL, Refresh, Sample Data, Profiling Information and Column Distribution menu optionsThe Connection Manager Provides:Connection management to add, remove, edit, copy, list, and test connectionsUser interface that is independent of the SQL notebookConnections that are shared with the Navigator and SQL notebooksWhat's New!Browser-based SSO support (Windows and Mac only)TLS 1.2 and http proxy support (Window, Mac, Linux)Docker Image not updated this release