swagger: '2.0' info: title: Teradata Query Service version: '@projectVersion@' description: | The Query Service is a RESTful web service for Teradata-supported databases that allows web pages, mobile devices, and scripting languages to query a Teradata-supported database using HTTP as the wire protocol and JSON as the data interchange format. Since support for HTTP and JSON is available in most programming languages, applications can use this service to access a Teradata-supported database without requiring a driver. This service offers a large number of API's, but most applications will only need to use the `POST /system/[systemName]/queries` API. This API enables you to submit a query and get back the response in a single API call. Several examples of this API are presented below, but first let's cover some information common to all Query Service REST API endpoints. ### HTTP Headers There are several HTTP headers that must be submitted along with each request and some that are optional. | Header | Value | Description | Required | | ------- | ----- | ----------- | -------- | | Authorization | Bearer TOKEN | Contains an access token issued by the Query Service | One of these two is required | Authorization | Basic _\[Base64 encoded "username:password"\]_ | Contains the credentials used to access the Teradata Database. The Authorization header is constructed as follows: 1. Username and password are combined into a string "username:password" 2. The resulting string is then encoded using the RFC2045-MIME variant of Base64, except not limited to 76 char/line 3. The authorization method and a space i.e. "Basic " is then put before the encoded string. | One of these two is required | Accept | application/[vnd.com](http://vnd.com).teradata.rest-v1.0+json | Instructs the web service that the client wants to use the 1.0 version of the REST API for Teradata Database. Ensures backwards compatibility if the REST API ever changes. | Yes | | Accept-Encoding | gzip | Instructs the web service to GZIP compress the response. If omitted, the response will be returned without compression. | No | | Content-Type | application/json | Instructs the web service that the request contains JSON data. | Yes | ### Status Codes Each HTTP Response will contain a status code as listed in the table below. | Code | Definition | Description | | ---- | ---------- | ----------- | | 200 | OK | The request was successful. | | 201 | Created | The request was successful and the response contains the created object info | | 400 | Bad Request | The request could not be understood by the service due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications. | | 401 | Unauthorized | The request requires user authentication. | | 404 | Not Found | The resource referenced by the specified URI was not found. | | 412 | Precondition Failed | The specified session is currently in use or there are no available threads to execute the request and the queue timeout is exceeded. | | 420 | Database Error | The target Teradata Database returned an error. | | 429 | Too Many Sessions | The user has already reached the session limit. | | 500 | Internal Server Error | The service encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. | When the status code is not `200 OK` or `201 Created` the response body will contain a JSON response containing an error message and possibly an error code returned by the target database. ```json { "error":"3802", "message":"Database 'MyDatabase' does not exist.", } ``` ## Submitting SQL statements To submit an SQL request to a Teradata Database using this web service, you send a POST request to the `/system/[systemName]/queries` API endpoint, replacing `[systemName]` with the nickname of a system that has been defined by an administrator using the System Service. ### Result Set Formats The format of the response to an SQL request depends on the requested format. Three formats are supported: **_object_**, **_array_**, and **_csv_**. Both **_object_** and **_array_** options generate JSON responses, while the **_csv_** option generates a comma separated value response. #### JSON Object JSON Object is the default result format. This format creates a JSON object per row with the column names as the field names and the column values as the field values. ```bash curl --insecure -X POST \ "$HOST:1443/api/query/systems/prod/queries" \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.com.teradata.rest-v1.0+json, */*; q=0.01' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Basic ZGJjOmRiYw==' \ -d '{"query": "SELECT * FROM dbc.dbcinfo"}' ``` In the example above, we are submitting a `SELECT * FROM DBC.DBCInfo` query to the system nicknamed "prod" and using TD2 authentication with the username and password "dbc" ("ZGJjOmRiYw==" is "dbc:dbc" Base64 encoded). The results will be returned in the default `JSON Object` format: ```json { "queryDuration": 45, "queueDuration": 3, "results": [ { "data": [ { "InfoData": "", "InfoKey": "VERSION" }, { "InfoData": "Japanese", "InfoKey": "LANGUAGE SUPPORT MODE" }, { "InfoData": "", "InfoKey": "RELEASE" } ], "resultSet": true, "rowCount": 3, "rowLimitExceeded": false } ] } ``` The JSON object response contains the following fields: * **queueDuration** How long the request was queued in milliseconds. * **queryDuration** How long the request ran once submitted in milliseconds. * **results** An array of the result sets, update counts produced by the submitted SQL. The array will have more than one element if the submitted SQL contains more than one statement or if a stored procedure was called that returns more than one result set. The following fields may be present inside of a result array element. * resultSet - Indicates if the result is a result set (true) or an update count (false). * columns - Contains an array of the columns comprising the result set. Each column contains a name and type field containing the column's name and SQL type respectively (only present if resultSet is true and include_columns was true when the request was submitted). * outParams - An object of key value pairs representing the output parameters from a stored procedure. * data - Contains the data produced by the query. The format depends on the value of the format attribute specified with the request (e.g. an array of arrays, or an array of objects). The data field is only present when resultSet is true. * rowCount - If a result set, the number of rows returned up to the row limit if set, else the update count. * rowLimitExceeded - Flags if the number of rows in the result exceeded the number of rows specified in the rowLimit. * **responseError** This field will typically not be present. It is only present if an error occurs while the query is in the RESPONDING state. In this case, a successful status would have already been sent to the client, which is why any responseErrors are included as the last field in the JSON response. #### JSON Array The JSON Array format is similar to JSON object format except instead of a JSON object per row, there is a JSON array per row where each column value is an element in the array. ```bash curl --insecure -X POST \ "$HOST:1443/api/query/systems/prod/queries" \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.com.teradata.rest-v1.0+json, */*; q=0.01' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Basic ZGJjOmRiYw==' \ -d '{"query": "SELECT * FROM dbc.dbcinfo", "format": "array", "include_columns": true }' ``` The request above demonstrates several availble options: * The response will be in JSON array format ("format": "array") . * The response will include column information ("include_columns": true). Here are sample results: ```json { "queryDuration": 11, "queueDuration": 3, "results": [ { "columns": [ { "name": "InfoKey", "type": "VARCHAR" }, { "name": "InfoData", "type": "VARCHAR" } ], "data": [ [ "VERSION", "" ], [ "LANGUAGE SUPPORT MODE", "Japanese" ], [ "RELEASE", "" ] ], "resultSet": true, "rowCount": 3, "rowLimitExceeded": false } ] } ``` #### Comma Separated Value (CSV) CSV format does not contain any meta data about the response and simply contains the query results. The response contains a line for each row where each line contains the row's column values separated by a comma. ```bash curl --insecure -X POST \ "$HOST:1443/systems/prod/queries" \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.com.teradata.rest-v1.0+json, */*; q=0.01' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Basic ZGJjOmRiYw==' \ -d '{"query": "SELECT * FROM dbc.dbcinfo", "format": "csv", "include_columns": true}' ``` The output for CSV format will look like this: ``` InfoKey,InfoData VERSION, LANGUAGE SUPPORT MODE,Japanese RELEASE, ``` The first row contains the column names (because we requested `include_columns`). ### Managing Database Sessions There are two ways that database sessions are created by the Query Service. The first way is when a client submits a query without referencing a session ID. If an idle session does not already exist for the specified credentials, a new session is created based on the default settings configured for the target system. This type of session is called an **_implicit_** session. The second way a session is created is if a client calls `POST /system/[systemName]/sessions` to open a session. This type of session is called an **_explicit_** session. Each session remains open until the session is idle for the configured maxIdleTime or until closed by calling `DELETE /system/[systemName]/sessions/[sessionId]`. Implicit sessions are reused if they are idle and if the credentials specified by the client are the same as when the session was created. If there are no sessions that match that criteria, then a new implicit session can be created, up to the maximum number of implicit sessions allowed per user. If the maximum number of implicit sessions are reached and none are idle, then the request will be queued. Explicit sessions are only used if a client references them in a query request. If a request references an explicit session that is already in use, the request will be queued. Explicit sessions should be used when a transaction needs to span multiple requests or when using volatile tables paths: '/general': get: tags: - General summary: Get General service Configuration description: Get General service Configuration. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: true responses: '200': description: General service Configuration will be present in the response body. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GeneralConfig' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve general config. security: - basicAuth: [] put: tags: - General summary: Updates General service Configuration description: Updates General service Configuration. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service adminuser account. required: false - name: system in: body description: The details of the system to create or update. required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GeneralConfig' responses: '200': description: General config will be created or updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Successful' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to update general config. security: - basicAuth: [] '/general/export': post: tags: - General summary: Update Teradata database configuraton. description: Update Teradata database configuraton. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service adminuser account. required: false - name: system in: body description: The details of the system to create or update. required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GeneralConfig' responses: '200': description: The details of the Teradata system will be exported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Successful' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to update system configuration. security: - basicAuth: [] '/adminusers': get: tags: - Admin summary: Get a list of all admin users. description: Get a list of all admin users. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false responses: '200': description: List of Adminusers will be present in the response body. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RestUser' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve admin users. security: - basicAuth: [] 'adminusers/{userId}': put: tags: - Admin summary: Updates password for an admin user description: Updates password for an admin user parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service adminuser account. required: false - type: string name: userId in: path description: The userId of the admin user required: true - name: passwordChangeRequest in: body description: The details of the system to create or update. required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AdminPassword' responses: '200': schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Successful' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to update admin user password. security: - basicAuth: [] '/certificates': get: tags: - Certificates summary: Get a certificate description: Get the certificate with the specified name. responses: '200': description: The requested certificate will be present in the response body. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/CertificateInfo' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve the specified certificate. security: - basicAuth: [] post: tags: - Certificates summary: Install a HTTPS certificate. description: Install a HTTPS certificate.The customer needs to generate the certificate from the already created CSR from this query-service instance. consumes: - multipart/form-data parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false - in: formData name: certificate required: true type: file description: The file to upload. responses: '200': description: A new certificate was created or the existing certificate was updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Successful' '401': description: 'Missing, invalid or non-admin authorization header.' '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to install HTTPS certificate. security: - basicAuth: [] delete: tags: - Certificates summary: Delete a certificate. description: Delete the certificates with the specified name. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false responses: '200': description: The specified certificate will be deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Successful' '401': description: 'Missing, invalid or non-admin authorization header.' '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to delete the certificate. security: - basicAuth: [] '/certificates/authorities' : get: tags: - Certificates summary: Get certificate authorities description: Get the certificate authorities. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false responses: '200': description: The requested certificate authorities will be present in the response body. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/CertificateInfo' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve the certificate authorities. security: - basicAuth: [] post: tags: - Certificates summary: Install a trusted signed certificate. description: Install a trusted signed certificate.The customer needs to generate the certificate from the already created CSR from this query-service instance. consumes: - multipart/form-data parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false - type: string name: certificateAlias in: query example: teradata required: true - type: string name: alias in: query example: teradata required: true - in: formData name: certificate required: true type: file description: The file to upload. responses: '200': description: A new trusted signed certificate was installed. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Successful' '401': description: 'Missing, invalid or non-admin authorization header.' '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to install the trusted signed certificate. security: - basicAuth: [] '/certificates/config' : get: tags: - Certificates summary: Get a certificate config description: Get the certificate config with the specified name. parameters: - type: string name: certificate in: path description: The name of the certificate to retrieve. required: true responses: '200': description: The requested certificate will be present in the response body. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GeneralConfig' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '404': description: A system with the specified certificate was not found. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve the specified certificate. security: - basicAuth: [] put: tags: - Certificates summary: Create or update certificate config description: Create or update certificate config parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false - name: config in: body description: The details of the system to create or update. required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GeneralConfig' responses: '200': description: Certificate config was created or updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Successful' '401': description: 'Missing, invalid or non-admin authorization header.' '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to create or update the certificate conig. security: - basicAuth: [] '/certificates/selfsigned' : post: tags: - Certificates summary: Create or update a self signed certificate. description: Create or update a self signed certificate. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false - type: string name: commonName in: query required: true example: sdl67589 description: Common Name - type: string name: organizationalUnit in: query required: true example: UDA description: Organizational Unit - type: string name: organization in: query required: true example: Teradata Corporation description: Organization - type: string name: city in: query required: true example: San Diego description: City or locality - type: string name: state in: query required: true example: California description: State or Povince - type: string name: country in: query required: true example: US description: Country - type: string name: email in: query example: john.doe@teradata.com description: Email - type: string name: expiration in: query example: 12 description: Expiration in months - type: string name: san1 in: query example: sdl67589 - type: string name: san2 in: query example: sdl67589 - type: string name: san3 in: query example: sdl67589 responses: '200': description: A new certificate was created or the existing certificate was updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Successful' '401': description: 'Missing, invalid or non-admin authorization header.' '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to create or update the system. security: - basicAuth: [] '/certificates/signingrequest' : post: tags: - Certificates summary: Create CSR description: Create CSR. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false - type: string name: commonName in: query required: true - type: string name: organizationalUnit in: query required: true - type: string name: organization in: query required: true - type: string name: country in: query required: true - type: string name: city in: query required: true - type: string name: state in: query required: true responses: '200': description: A new certificate was created or the existing certificate was updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Certificate' '401': description: 'Missing, invalid or non-admin authorization header.' '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to create or update the system. security: - basicAuth: [] '/certificates/pkcs' : post: tags: - Certificates summary: Create or update a PKCS certificate. description: Create or update a PKCS certificate. consumes: - multipart/form-data parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false - type: string name: password description: Password for the pkcs file in: query required: true - in: formData name: certificate required: true type: file description: The PKCS file to upload. responses: '200': description: A new PKCS certificate was installed. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Successful' '401': description: 'Missing, invalid or non-admin authorization header.' '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to create or update the system. security: - basicAuth: [] /systems: get: tags: - System summary: Get a list of the configured target systems. description: Get a list of the configured target systems. responses: '200': description: The list of all systems will be present in the response body. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TeradataSystem' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve the list of all systems. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}': delete: tags: - System summary: Delete the target system with the specified name. description: Delete the system with the specified name. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system to delete. required: true responses: '200': description: The specified system was deleted. '401': description: 'Missing, invalid or non-admin authorization header.' '404': description: A system with the specified name was not found. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to delete the specified system. security: - basicAuth: [] get: tags: - System summary: Get the target system with a specific name description: Get the target system with a specific name. parameters: - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system to retrieve. required: true responses: '200': description: The requested system will be present in the response body. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/TeradataSystem' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '404': description: A system with the specified name was not found. '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve the specified system. security: - basicAuth: [] put: tags: - System summary: Create or update the target system. description: Create or update the target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization of query service admin account. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system to create or update. required: true - name: system in: body description: The details of the system to create or update. required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/TeradataSystem' responses: '200': description: A new system was created or the existing system was updated. '401': description: 'Missing, invalid or non-admin authorization header.' '500': description: An error was encountered while attempting to create or update the system. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/databases': get: tags: - Database summary: Get a list of the databases on a specific target system. description: Get a list of the databases on a specific target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system for which all databases should be retrieved required: true responses: '200': description: The list of all databases on the specified system will be present in the response body. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Database' '400': description: The system name is null or empty. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve all databases for the specified system. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/databases/{databaseName}': get: tags: - Database summary: Get a database on a specific target system. description: Get a database on a specific target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system for which all databases should be retrieved. required: true - type: string name: databaseName in: path description: The name of the database to retrieve. required: true responses: '200': description: Information about the requested database will be present in the response body. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Database' '400': description: The system or database name is null or empty. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve the database. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/databases/{databaseName}/functions': get: tags: - Database summary: Get all functions of a database on a specific target system. description: Get all functions of a database on a specific target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system on which the database resides required: true - type: string name: databaseName in: path description: The name of the database on the specified system for which all functions should be retrieved required: true responses: '200': description: The list of all functions in the specified database will be present in the response body. '400': description: The database name is null or empty. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve all functions for the specified database. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/databases/{databaseName}/macros': get: tags: - Database summary: Get all macros of a database on a specific target system. description: Get all macros of a database on a specific target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system on which the database resides required: true - type: string name: databaseName in: path description: The name of the database on the specified system for which all macros should be retrieved required: true responses: '200': description: The list of all macros in the specified database will be present in the response body. '400': description: The database name is null or empty. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve all macros for the specified database. security: - basicAuth: [] /systems/{systemName}/databases/{databaseName}/procedures: get: tags: - Database summary: Get all procedures of a database on a specific target system. description: Get all procedures of a database on a specific target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system on which the database resides required: true - type: string name: databaseName in: path description: The name of the database on the specified system for which all procedures should be retrieved required: true responses: '200': description: The list of all procedures in the specified database will be present in the response body. '400': description: The database name is null or empty. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve all procedures for the specified database. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/databases/{databaseName}/tables': get: tags: - Database summary: Get all tables of a single database. description: Get all tables of a single database on a specific target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system on which the database resides required: true - type: string name: databaseName in: path description: The name of the database on the specified system for which all tables should be retrieved required: true responses: '200': description: The list of all tables in the specified database will be present in the response body. '400': description: The database name is null or empty. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve all tables for the specified database. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/databases/{databaseName}/tables/{tableName}': get: tags: - Database summary: Get a specific table of a database. description: Get a specific table of a database on the specified target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system on which the table resides required: true - type: string name: databaseName in: path description: The name of the database on the specified system for which the specified table should be retrieved required: true - type: string name: tableName in: path description: The name of the table to retrieve. required: true responses: '200': description: The requested table will be present in the response body. '400': description: The table name is null or empty. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve the specified table. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/databases/{databaseName}/views': get: tags: - Database summary: Get All Views of a database. description: Get all views of a database on the specified target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system on which the database resides required: true - type: string name: databaseName in: path description: The name of the database on the specified system for which all views should be retrieved required: true responses: '200': description: The list of all views in the specified database will be present in the response body. '400': description: The database name is null or empty. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve all views for the specified database. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/databases/{databaseName}/views/{viewName}': get: tags: - Database summary: Get a specific view of a database. description: Get a specific view of a database on the specified target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system on which the view resides required: true - type: string name: databaseName in: path description: Name of the database to retrieve the view. required: true - type: string name: viewName in: path description: The name of the view to retrieve. required: true responses: '200': description: The requested view will be present in the response body. '400': description: The view name is null or empty. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '500': description: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve the specified view security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/queries': get: tags: - Query summary: Get all the queries for a specified system. description: Get all the queries for a specified system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system for which all queries should be retrieved. required: true - type: number name: session in: query description: The session number for which all queries should be retrieved. required: false - type: string name: state in: query description: A QueryState value that will be used to filter the results. required: false enum: - QUEUED - PENDING - SUBMITTED - RESPONDING - SPOOLING - RESULT_SET_READY - type: string name: clientId in: query description: A client ID that will be used to filter the results. required: false responses: '200': description: 'The active queries submitted on behalf of the current user to the specified system will be present in the response body. If the admin identity is provided, the queries for all users will be returned.' schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/QueryDetails' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '404': description: A system with the specified name was not found. security: - basicAuth: [] post: tags: - Query summary: Submit a Query to the target system. description: Submit a Query to the target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system to which the query should be submitted. required: true - name: queryRequest in: body description: The details of the query to submit to the database. required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/QueryRequest' responses: '200': description: The query was submitted for asynchronous execution. '400': description: Missing or invalid query request. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/queries/{id}': delete: tags: - Query summary: Delete a query by ID. description: Delete the query with the specified ID. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system for which the query with the specified ID should be deleted. required: true - type: number name: id in: path description: The ID of the query to delete. required: true responses: '200': description: 'If the query was still queued, it has been removed from the queue; if it was running, then it has been aborted.' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '404': description: A query with the specified ID was not found. security: - basicAuth: [] get: tags: - Query summary: Get a specific query by ID. description: Get a specific query by ID. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system for which the query with the specified ID should be retrieved. required: true - type: number name: id in: path description: The ID of the query to retrieve. required: true responses: '200': description: 'The requested query will be present in the response body. If a query with the specified ID was not found, this value will be null.' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/QueryDetails' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '404': description: A query with the specified ID was not found on the specified system. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/queries/{id}/results': get: tags: - Query summary: Get specific query results by ID. description: Get specific query results by ID. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system for which the results of the specified query should be retrieved. required: true - type: number name: id in: path description: The ID of the query for which to retrieve results. required: true - type: number name: rowOffset in: query description: The number of rows by which the returned results should be offset. required: false - type: number name: rowLimit in: query description: The maximum number of rows that should be present in the returned results. required: false responses: '200': description: The request to asynchronously retrieve the results of the specified query was retrieved. '400': description: An error was encountered while parsing the results of the query. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '404': description: The spool file for the specified query is missing or not yet ready. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/sessions': get: tags: - Session summary: Get the list of sessions open to a specific target system. description: Get the list of sessions open to a specific target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system for which all sessions should be retrieved required: true - type: string name: createMode in: query description: A CreateMode value that will be used to filter the results. required: false enum: - IMPLICIT - EXPLICIT responses: '200': description: 'The open sessions belonging to the current user will be present in the response body. If the admin identity is provided, the sessions for all users will be returned.' schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/SessionDetails' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. security: - basicAuth: [] post: tags: - Session summary: Create an explicit session on a specific target system. description: Create an explicit session on a specific target system. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system on which the session should be created. required: true - name: session Request in: body description: The details of the session to create. required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SessionRequest' responses: '200': description: The request to asynchronously create a session was successfully submitted. '400': description: Missing or invalid session request. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '429': description: The configured limit on the number of sessions has been reached. security: - basicAuth: [] '/systems/{systemName}/sessions/{id}': delete: tags: - Session summary: Close the session with a specific ID. description: | Close the session with the specified ID. Only explicit sessions can be closed. An explicit session that is idle for longer than the configured idle_timeout will be closed automatically. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: false - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system for which the session with the specified ID should be closed. required: true - type: number name: id in: path description: The ID of the session to close. required: true responses: '200': description: The session with the specified ID was closed. '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '404': description: A session with the specified ID was not found on the specified system. security: - basicAuth: [] get: tags: - Session summary: Get the session by ID. description: Get the session with the specified ID. parameters: - type: string format: BasicAuth name: Authorization in: header description: Basic Authorization. This should be database credentials. An access token can also be used with this API. required: true - type: string name: systemName in: path description: The name of the system for which the session with the specified ID should be retrieved. required: true - type: number name: id in: path description: The ID of the session to retrieve. required: true responses: '200': description: The requested session will be present in the response body. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SessionDetails' '401': description: Missing or invalid authorization header. '404': description: A session with the specified ID was not found on the specified system. security: - basicAuth: [] definitions: Database: title: Database description: Representation of a database on the system. properties: db_kind: type: string title: db_kind description: The Kind will be 'D' for a database. Anything else is a user. name: type: string title: name description: The database name. system: type: string title: system description: The system on which the database resides. AdminPassword: title: AdminPassword description: User Password Model for Admin User password management. properties: oldPassword: type: string title: oldPassword description: oldPassword of a Admin User. newPassword: type: string title: newPassword description: newPassword of a Admin User. confirmPassword: type: string title: confirmPassword description: confirmPassword of a Admin User. GeneralConfig: title: GeneralConfig description: General services configuration. properties: maxThreadCount: type: number title: maxThreadCount description: maxThreadCount of a general service configuration. noRowsSpoolQuery: type: number title: noRowsSpoolQuery description: noRowsSpoolQuery of a general service configuration. noSpoolResultSets: type: number title: maxThreadCount description: noSpoolResultSets of a general service configuration. retentionSpool: type: number title: retentionSpool description: retentionSpool of a general service configuration. spaceAvailable: type: number title: spaceAvailable description: spaceAvailable of a general service configuration. spoolDirectory: type: string title: spoolDirectory description: spoolDirectory. LoginCred: title: LoginCred description: Get a token for this user of a general service configuration. properties: username: type: string title: username password: type: string title: password Successful: title: SuccessResponse properties: status: title: status type: string example: successful Certificate: title: CSR properties: status: title: status type: string example: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- example -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" RestUser: title: RestUser description: RestUser details. properties: username: type: string title: username authorities: items: $ref: '#/definitions/RestGrantedAuthority' title: authorities description: Authorities of a particular user. previousPasswords: items: type: array items: {} title: previousPasswords description: previousPasswords of a particular user. RestGrantedAuthority: title: RestGrantedAuthority description: RestGrantedAuthority of a user. properties: authority: type: string title: authority CertificateInfo: title: CertificateInfo description: CertificateInfo. properties: alias: type: string title: alias example: tomcat authority: type: string title: authority example: gov-teradata-ca expirationDate: type: string title: expirationDate example: 1683198547000 type: type: string title: type example: X.509 QueryDetails: title: QueryDetails description: Detailed information of a query properties: batch: type: boolean title: batch description: Is this a batch request? client_id: type: string title: client_id description: An arbitrary string used to identify the client that submitted the query. params: type: array items: type: array items: {} title: params description: The parameters for a parameterized query. example: - - joe - 18 query: type: string title: query description: The SQL query text. query_bands: title: query_bands type: object description: The query bands that were set for the query. example: app: myapp query_duration: type: number title: query_duration description: The number of milliseconds since the Query Service submitted the request to the database. query_id: title: query_id description: The Query Service identifier for the query. example: number query_state: type: string title: query_state description: The current state of the query. enum: - QUEUED - PENDING - SUBMITTED - RESPONDING - SPOOLING - RESULT_SET_READY query_timeout: type: number title: query_timeout description: The number of seconds the Query Service will wait for the query to complete before aborting the query. queue_order: type: number title: queue_order description: The order of the request in the queue, 0 indicates the query is active. queue_duration: type: number title: queue_duration description: The number of milliseconds the query was queued by the Query Service before being submitted to the database. queue_timeout: type: number title: queue_timeout description: The number of seconds the Query Service is will wait for a session to become available before aborting the request. session: type: number title: session description: The Query Service identifier for the query's assigned session. status_code: type: number title: status_code description: If the query has failed, this field will contain the status code. system: type: string title: system description: The system on which the query is assinged to execute. user: type: string title: user description: The database user whose account will run the query. QueryRequest: title: QueryRequest description: Representation of a query request. properties: batch: type: boolean description: 'True if the statements are run using JDBC batch processing. Default: false.' title: batch client_id: type: string description: An id specified by the client when the query was submitted. title: client_id continue_on_error: type: boolean description: 'If true, then during batch processing, continue executing queries after a failure. Default: false' title: continue_on_error date_format: type: string description: The format in which to render dates title: date_format enum: - EPOCH_MILLIS - TD_DB - ISO_8601 format: type: string description: 'The format of the result set. "object" means data is returned as an array of JSON objects. "array" means the data is returned as an array of JSON arrays. "csv" means the data is returned as comma separated values. ' title: format enum: - OBJECT - ARRAY - CSV include_column_types: type: boolean description: 'If true, include the type of each column in the results. Default false.' title: include_column_types include_columns: type: boolean description: 'If true, include the name of each column in the results. Default false.' title: include_columns log_mech: type: string description: The logon mechanism to use for the session. title: log_mech enum: - DEFAULT - TD1 - TD2 - KRB5 - LDAP - JWT out_params: type: array description: An array of names of output parameters for a stored procedure. items: type: string title: out_params params: type: array description: 'An array of arrays containing parameters to the SQL statement. If more than one array exists, the statement is run multiple times, each time with the next array of parameters in the array.' title: params items: type: array items: {} example: - - joe - 18 query: title: query description: The SQL query text to execute. type: string query_bands: title: query_bands description: The query bands to set for the request type: object example: app: myapp query_timeout: title: query_timeout description: 'The maximum number of seconds the request will be allowed to execute. Default: unlimited' type: number queue_timeout: title: queue_timeout description: 'The maximum number of seconds the request will be queued waiting to execute. Default: unlimited' type: number row_limit: type: number description: 'The maximum number of rows of data to include in the response. Set to zero for no limit. Default: 1000' title: row_limit row_offset: type: number description: The number of rows to discard at the beginning of the result set. Typically used when implementing paging. title: row_offset session: type: number description: The Query Service internal explicit session number to use for this query. title: session trim_white_space: type: boolean description: 'If true, trim white space from fixed length columns. Default: true.' title: trim_white_space SessionDetails: title: SessionDetails description: Representation of a session. properties: account: type: string title: account description: The account string for the session. active_query: type: number title: active_query description: The id of the currently active query, if one exists char_set: type: string title: char_set description: The character set in use for the session. enum: - ASCII - UTF8 - UTF16 - EBCDIC273_0E - HANGULEBCDIC933_1II - KANJIEBCDIC5026_0I - KANJIEUC_0U - KATAKANAEBCDIC - LATIN1252_0A - EBCDIC037_0E - EBCDIC277_0E - HANGULKSC5601_2R4 - KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I - KANJISJIS_0S - LATIN1_0A - LATIN9_0A create_mode: type: string title: create_mode description: 'The type of session: implicit or explicit.' enum: - IMPLICIT - EXPLICIT default_database: type: string title: default_database description: The default database for queries that do not specify a database. log_mech: type: string title: log_mech description: The logon mechanism used to connect the session. enum: - DEFAULT - TD1 - TD2 - KRB5 - LDAP - JWT max_idle_time: type: number description: The maximum number of seconds that the session will remain open when there is no query activity. title: max_idle_time query_bands: title: query_bands type: object description: The query bands set for this session. example: app: myapp session_id: type: number title: session_id description: The query service session identifier. state: type: string title: state description: The current state of the session. enum: - NOTREADY - LOGGINGON - READY - QUEUED - ACTIVE - ABORTING - LOGGINGOFF system: type: string title: system description: The database system to which this session is logged on. td_session_no: type: number title: td_session_no description: The Teradata SQL Engine session number. transaction_mode: type: string title: transaction_mode description: The transaction mode being used by this session. enum: - DEFAULT - ANSI - TERA user: type: string title: user description: The database user associated with this session. SessionRequest: title: SessionRequest description: Representation of a session request. properties: auto_commit: type: boolean description: True to put the session in autoCommit mode else false to handle transactions explicitly. title: account account: type: string description: The account string to associate with the session. title: account catalog: type: string description: The default catalog for the session. Does not apply to Teradata SQL Engine. title: catalog char_set: type: string description: The character set to use for the session. title: char_set enum: - ASCII - UTF8 - UTF16 - EBCDIC273_0E - HANGULEBCDIC933_1II - KANJIEBCDIC5026_0I - KANJIEUC_0U - KATAKANAEBCDIC - LATIN1252_0A - EBCDIC037_0E - EBCDIC277_0E - HANGULKSC5601_2R4 - KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I - KANJISJIS_0S - LATIN1_0A - LATIN9_0A default_database: type: string description: The default database for the session. title: default_database fetch_count: type: number description: The fetch count (Aster specific). title: fetch_count log_mech: type: string description: 'The logon mechanism (such as TD2, LDAP, etc.) to use for the session.' title: log_mech enum: - DEFAULT - TD1 - TD2 - KRB5 - LDAP - JWT query_bands: title: query_bands description: The query bands to set on the session when its created. type: object example: app: myapp schema: type: string description: The default schema to use for the session. Does not apply to Teradata SQL Engine. title: schema transaction_mode: type: string description: The transaction mode to use for the session. title: transaction_mode enum: - DEFAULT - ANSI - TERA TeradataSystem: title: TeradataSystem description: |- TeradataSystem contains the information for a system configured in the Query Service. properties: default_char_set: type: string title: default_char_set enum: - ASCII - UTF8 - UTF16 - EBCDIC273_0E - HANGULEBCDIC933_1II - KANJIEBCDIC5026_0I - KANJIEUC_0U - KATAKANAEBCDIC - LATIN1252_0A - EBCDIC037_0E - EBCDIC277_0E - HANGULKSC5601_2R4 - KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I - KANJISJIS_0S - LATIN1_0A - LATIN9_0A default_database: type: string title: default_database default_transaction_mode: type: string title: default_transaction_mode enum: - DEFAULT - ANSI - TERA include_or_exclude_user_list: type: array items: type: string title: include_or_exclude_user_list log_mech: type: string title: log_mech enum: - DEFAULT - TD1 - TD2 - KRB5 - LDAP - JWT query_bands: title: query_bands type: object example: app: myapp system_id: type: string title: system_id system_type: type: string title: system_type enum: - TERADATA - ASTER - PRESTO tags: - name: General description: API's for fetching GeneralConfig of Teradata database configuration. - name: Admin description: API's for admin users. - name: Certificates description: API's to install/update/delete certiicates. - name: Database description: API's for fetching metadata about databases, tables, macros, etc. - name: Query description: API's for submitting and managing queries. - name: Session description: API's for managing explict sessions. Explicit sessions are an optional feature that give you complete control over the creation, usage, and removal of database sessions. You would want to use excplicit sessions if you are using session specific features such as temporary tables or transactions that span multiple statements.