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  4. Teradata Geospatial Import/Export Utilities 1.1
  1. Developer Portal
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  4. Teradata Geospatial Import/Export Utilities 1.1

Teradata Geospatial Import/Export Utilities 1.1

  • geospatial

Teradata Geospatial Import/Export Utilities 1.1

  • geospatial


Teradata Geospatial Import/Export utilities for Windows and Linux.


Teradata TDGeoImportExport Release 1.1 for Teradata 13.0

Change History

Release 1.1
- Install directory changed from TDGeoImport to TDGeoImportExport
- Added TDGeoExport to export geometries from the database

Release 1.0
- Initial release

Please see document B035-1181-098A, SQL Geospatial Types,
for program documentation.  Chapter 4, Data Loading and
Formats describes TDGeoImport.  A description of TDGeoExport
is contained within this file

This version of TDGeoImport/TdGeoExport runs on Windows 32-bit clients only.

The Teradata Driver for the JDBC Interface on Windows must
be installed.

Example Run - TDGeoImport

Assume an input file exists named co99_d00.shp in the directory c:\data\demo\load.  Also assume that there is a user
named geo_user and a database called mydb on a system called geo_system.

Change to the TdGeoImportExport\bin directory and execute the following to load the layer named c099_d00 into the database:

java -Xms256m -Xmx512m -classpath .;"c:\Program Files\Teradata\Tdat\LTDBMS\bin\terajdbc4.jar";"c:\Program Files\Teradata\Tdat\LTDBMS\bin\tdgssconfig.jar";. com.teradata.geo.TDGeoImport -l geo_system/geo_user,geo_pw -s mydb
-f c:\data\demo\load -n co99_d00

Note that some large data files may exceed the Java Heap memory.  In the above command, the -Xms option is used to set the
initial Java heap size to 256MB.  The -Xmx option is used to set the maximum Java heap size to 512MB.

Example Run - TDGeoExport

Assume a table named co99_d00 exists in the database mydb.  It contains a column of type ST_Geometry.  Also assume that there is a user
named geo_user and a database called mydb on a system called geo_system.

Change to the TdGeoImportExport\bin directory and execute the following to export the table to an ESRI shapefile named c099_d00 in the c:\data\demo\load directory.  Note that this will overwrite any files of the same name in that directory:

java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m  -classpath .;"c:\Program Files\Teradata\Tdat\LTDBMS\bin\terajdbc4.jar";"c:\Program Files\Teradata\Tdat\LTDBMS\bin\tdgssconfig.jar";. com.teradata.geo.TDGeoExport -l geo_system/geo_user,geo_pw -s mydb -t co99_d00 -f "ESRI Shapefile" -o c:\data\demo\load -n co99_d00

Note that some large data files may exceed the Java Heap memory.  In the above command, the -Xms option is used to set the
initial Java heap size to 256MB.  The -Xmx option is used to set the maximum Java heap size to 512MB.

TDGeoExport Documentation

TDGeoExport Data Export Program


    Convert geospatial data from the database into ESRI and TIGER/Line data.


    TDGeoExport -l logon_string -s database_name -t table_name
                -f format_name -o output_directory_name [-n layer_name] 


    -l logon_string: the Teradata Database logon string, where the format
                     of logon_string is:


    -s database_name: the database name that contains the table to convert

    -t table_name: the table name (or view) to convert

    -f format_name: Output file format name.  The possible values are as follows:
                    -f "ESRI Shapefile"
                    -f "TIGER"
                    -f "MapInfo File"

    -o output_directory_name: the directory where the output data files will be generated

    -n layer_name: the name of the layer to create (defaults to the table name)

Usage Notes

    The table or view should consist of a single geometry column of type ST_Geometry and
    one or more additional columns which represent the feature attributes.  Each row of
    the table is considered a feature and the entire table is considered a layer.  All
    columns in the table will be converted to the layer.  If a subset of columns in the
    table is desired instead of the entire table, a view that represents this subset
    should be created.

    The program will place the output file(s) in the directory specified by the
    -o output_directory_name parameter.


    There can be at most one geospatial column in the table.  BLOB/CLOB columns and UDT
    columns other than the ST_Geometry column are not supported.


Not available
OS version
Not available
Release version


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  • Released
  • TTU
  • OS
  • Teradata

Teradata Geospatial Import/Export Utilities 1.1

  • geospatial