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  1. Developer Portal
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  4. SQL Assistant Java Edition 13.01 for Windows 32-bit

SQL Assistant Java Edition 13.01 for Windows 32-bit

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  • sqla je windows
  • sqla assistant java edition

SQL Assistant Java Edition 13.01 for Windows 32-bit

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  • eclipse
  • sqla je
  • sqla je windows
  • sqla assistant java edition


Teradata SQL Assistant Java Edition provides an information discovery tool that retrieves data from Teradata Database systems and allows the data to be manipulated and stored on the desktop. It is built on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP). For more information on SQLA JE, refer to the article SQL Assistant Java Edition.

SQLA JE contains several open source components. A package containing the source code and licenses for these components is also available for download. This package does not contain proprietary Teradata source code.


SQL Assistant Java Edition 13.01.00 release information.

Supported Platforms:
     Windows Vista - Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise, 32-bit and 64-bit
     Windows XP Professional - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, 32-bit and 64-bit
     Windows Server - Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 32-bit and 64-bit
                    - Microsoft Windows Server 2008, 32-bit and 64-bit
     Windows 2000 - Microsoft Windows 2000, 32-bit
     Windows 7      - Microsoft Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit
     Ret Hat Server - Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1, 3.0, and 4.0, 32-bit
                    - Red Hat Advanced Server 4.0, 64-bit
     Red Hat Platform - Red Hat Advanced Platform 5.0, 32-bit and 64-bit
     SUSE Linux Enterprise - SUSE Linux Enterprise 9, 32-bit and 64-bit
                      - SUSE Linux Enterprise 10, 32-bit and 64-bit
     Apple Mac - OSX 10.5 and 10.6

Supported Teradata Databases Versions:
     Teradata Database V2R6.0
     Teradata Database V2R6.1
     Teradata Database V2R6.2
     Teradata Database 12.0
     Teradata Database 13.0

Required Software:
     Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.5 or greater

Install Instructions;
     Download the SQLA JE zip file from the download site.

  For Windows install:
     1) Unzip the Teradata SQLA JE package to your local file system.
     2) Run the setup.exe to launch the Teradata SQLA JE installation.
     3) Provide the path to where you would like to install Teradata SQLA JE.
        The default location is
        C:\Program Files\Teradata\Client\13.01\Teradata SQL Assistant Java Edition. When SQLA
        JE is started, a 'workspace' directory is created in your home directory (C:\Documents
        and Settings\(user)\workspace). This directory contains workspace files, including the SQL
        project folder and .log file.

  For Linux install:
    1) Unzip and untar the Teradata SQLA JE package to your local file system.
        gunzip teradatasqla__linux_i386.
        tar -xvf teradatasqla__linux_i386.
    2) Change directories (CD) to the teradatasqla. directory
        cd teradatasqla.
    3) Switch to Super User or Root and execute the RPM (Package Management) command to
       install SQLA JE on Linux.
        ./sqlajeinstall teradatasqla-
    4) Provide the path to where you would like to install Teradata SQLA JE. . 
       The default location is /opt/teradata. When SQLA JE is started, a 'workspace' 
       directory is created in the location where you launched SQLA JE (sqla) from. 
       This directory contains workspace files, including the SQL project folder 
       and .log file.

    Note: To check whether Teradata SQLA JE is installed or not, run the following command:
        rpm -qa teradatasqla
    To remove the Teradata SQLA JE product from your Linux system, run the following
        rpm -e teradatasqla 

  For Mac OS Install:
    1) Unzip the Teradata SQLA JE package to your local file system.
    2) Double click on the Teradata SQL Assistant Java Edition.pkg package to invoke the SQLA JE installer
    3) You can change the install location or use the default install location, which is the
       /Applications/teradatasqla folder. When SQLA JE is started, a 'SQLA' folder is created in the
       user's Documents folder. This folder contains the workspace files, including the SQL
       project folder and .log file.

Running SQLA JE:
       Double click the Teradata SQL Assistant Java Edition desktop icon shortcut.

       Update your path variable to include the teradatasqla directory. Execute sqlaje.

       Execute SQL Assistant Java Edition in the teradatasqla directory.
Not available
OS version
Not available
Release version


  • Version
  • Released
  • TTU
  • OS
  • Teradata

SQL Assistant Java Edition 13.01 for Windows 32-bit

  • download
  • eclipse
  • sqla je
  • sqla je windows
  • sqla assistant java edition